Out of "PlayStation 4" from Amazon
Exhausted all available quantity of a copy of the "PlayStation 4 ", most prominent opponent of the Microsoft "XBOX", on Amazon.
The Amazon said that the quantities of "PlayStation 4 ", with a price 400 US dollars, available for booking is needed on the occasion of the launch is fully exhausted.
The site does not know of the date of delivery of devices to users, which is supposed to be presented in the same date of the device Sony officially in markets (in the last quarter of the current year).
A source within Amazon said that Sony device exceeds on the one hand sales nearly doubled on Microsoft's, available on site at 500 US dollars, according "Forbes Magazine".
It is worth mentioning that the "PlayStation 4" (standard version) and "XBOX One" occupy the first and second among the best-selling games devices on the site.
The Amazon organized a vote systems on Facebook for users on the devices, and the result in the first six hours of voting, in favor of the "PlayStation 4" by 95 % of consensus.
Out of "PlayStation 4" from Amazon technology, news, electronics, xbox one, xbox, playstation 4, sony, , microsoft,
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